Deep Miyajima(Ryo-Kei-An)

Miyajima Misen in Hiroshima, which is famous as one of the three most scenic spots in Japan. Among the temples on Miyajima, Daisho-in Temple of the Omuro sect of Shingon Buddhism (head temple Ninna-ji Temple) has the longest history. After Kukai returned to Japan from Tang, he moved to Miyajima and trained at Mt. Misen. It is a highly prestigious temple that has a deep connection with the imperial family, and has been used as a prayer dojo for Emperor Toba, as a lodging place for Emperor Meiji’s visit, and even for Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s tea ceremony. Hirobumi Ito also said, “The true value of Miyajima lies in the view from the top of Mt. If you look around from the summit of Mt. Misen, you can see the islands floating in the Seto Inland Sea, as well as Shikoku and Kyushu in the distance. It is this “view” that makes Miyajima one of the three most scenic spots in Japan.
Premier tour to 1 group per day (2 to 5 people/ group) presented by the oldest temple in Miyajima

“The monks of Daisho-in Temple will introduce you to the historical Buddha statues in the precincts, the history of Miyajima, the teachings of Kukai, and more. This is a cultural experience tour.
In Miyajima, there is a sacred fire that has been burning for 1200 years, and you can worship this miraculous light up close. And “water” along with “fire” which is considered to be the root of all things. The area around Daisho-in Temple is also called “Takimachi”, and from 2022, “Takigumo (Artificial Sea of Clouds)”, where you can bathe your whole body in the miraculous water that flows from Mt. In addition, you can rent out a Japanese garden that is usually closed to the public, and in the garden, you can enjoy vegetarian cuisine using ingredients grown on Miyajima, the island of the gods. It also includes a tea ceremony experience in a tea room. At Daisho-in, you can deeply enjoy Miyajima, the island of the gods, where Japanese culture is condensed that you can’t experience in Kyoto. “